1. take photographs of gleeson library. you can take photos of anything - the outside or the inside, in the stacks, in the atrium - just make sure your photos include gleeson. select 3-5 of these photographs and upload them to flickr.
2. make a set. title the set.
3. become a member of the Gleeson Library at USF flickr group. add one or some or all of your photographs to this group. keep in mind: by adding to the group, you are allowing gleeson library to feature your photograph on their web site.
4. tag your photos. be smart and creative with your tags.
5. once finished and before class on friday, tweet your set.

a. consider including human beings in your photographs.
b. take lots of photographs and decide later which 3-5 pics you'll use.
c. you can use your 3-5 photos to tell a story but you certainly don't have to. just make sure your photographs are interesting.
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