Where art, commerce, education, politics and generosity meet to promote city-grown food
Please join USF's Environmental Studies 450 capstone students and their professor Melinda Stone, as they host what promises to be an engaging panel on the state of urban agriculture on Tuesday, March 2 from 2 – 4 PM in McClaren Hall 252.
Panelist include:
Mei Ling Hui, urban agriculture contact for San Francisco’s Department of the Environment. (sfenvironment.org)
Amy Franceschini, USF art/architecture professor and main instigator behind SF Victory Gardens 2009+ and founder of Future Farmers. (futurefarmers.com)
Brooke Budner and Caitlyn Galloway, co-owners/farmers of Little City Gardens in the San Francisco Mission District. (littlecitygarden.com)
Blair Randall, executive director of Garden for the Environment, San Francisco’s premiere education garden. (gardenfortheenvironment.org)
Tree, founder of the Free Farm Stand on 23rd and Treat Ave. in San Francisco. (freefarmstand.org)