2. continue your fast for as long as possible. go longer than your first fast.
3. when your absence from media becomes dangerous, impossible, or unbearable, return to them. note which device you broke your fast with and record the time.
4. calculate how long your media fast lasted.
5. take some time -- a few hours, a day -- to reflect upon what happened.
6. in no more than two pages, share your findings. be sure to include connections with at least two readings from intro to media studies.

7. once you have finished your two-page essay, copy your favorite part - a sentence, a few sentences, a paragraph - and paste it as a comment to this blog post. you can comment anonymously, with an identifiable nickname, or with your full name - your call. If you do comment anonymously, be sure to notify me so i can make sure you fulfilled this part of the assignment. (i will give a brief demo on commenting to blogs in class on thursday.)
8. bring your final essay to class on tuesday, december 6. make sure your name is on it.
tip: think about the timing of your media fast and strategize accordingly.