Media Studies 301
Tuesday & Thursdays 12:45 – 2:30 pm
Education 319
Professor David Silver
Office: Kalmanovitz 141
Office Hours: Tues & Thurs 3 – 4 pm & by appointment
dmsilver [ at ] usfca [ dot ] edu
Green Media is a media studies production class devoted to making media about making food. In this class, we will learn how to use social media to research, prepare, document, and share a selection of dishes and meals. Along the way, we will explore different meanings of food, the history of television cooking shows, connections between food and culture, and strategies for seasonal cooking.

Learning Outcomes:
1. To learn how to use social media to make and share media about making food;
2. To develop a unique, creative, and compelling voice within your media work; and
3. To learn how to collaborate creatively and effectively.
o Kathleen Collins' Watching What We Eat: The Evolution of Television Cooking Shows (Continuum, 2009).
o Novella Carpenter's Farm City: The Education of an Urban Farmer (Penguin Press, 2009).
o Although you will be able to complete your assignments with a free flickr account, you are strongly encouraged to purchase a flickr pro account for $25/year.
Tuesday, January 25
Thursday, January 27
Read: Patricia Harris, David Lyon, and Sue McLaughlin, “Food & Life,” from The Meaning of Food, pp. 1-59. Twitter Workshop.
Tuesday, February 1
Read: Kathleen Collins, “Stirrings: Radio, Home Economists, and James Beard,” from Watching What We Eat: The Evolution of Television Cooking Shows, pp. 13-43.
Thursday, February 3
Read: Collins, “La Cuisine and Canned Soup: Dione Lucas vs. Convenience,” from Watching What We Eat, pp. 44-68. Flickr Workshop, Part 1
Tuesday, February 8
Read: Mark Bittman, Chop, Fry, Boil: Eating for One, or 6 Billion, New York Times, December 31, 2010. Flickr Workshop, Part 2.
Thursday, February 10
Demo Day: Breakfast Project
Tuesday, February 15
Read: Collins, “Julia Child and Revolution in the Kitchen,” from Watching What We Eat, pp. 71-100.
Thursday, February 17
Read: Brother Rick Curry, S.J., “Making Bread,” from The Secrets of Jesuit Breadmaking, pp. 11-21; Molly Katzen, "An Illustrated Guide to the Baking of Yeast Bread," from The Enchanted Broccoli Forest, pp. 86-95. Wordpress Workshop.
Tuesday, February 22
Read: Collins, “The Me Decade and the Galloping Gourmet” & “Cultural Capital and the Frugal Gourmet,” from Watching What We Eat, pp. 101-155.
Thursday, February 24
Demo Day: Baking Bread Project
Tuesday, March 1
Read: Collins, “A Network of Its Own,” from Watching What We Eat, pp. 159-185.
Thursday, March 3
Read: Collins, “Good Television” & “‘Democratainment’: Gender, Class, and the Rachael-Martha Continuum,” from Watching What We Eat, pp. 186-231.
Tuesday, March 8
Read: Collins, “Evolution: How Did We Get Here and What’s On Next?” from Watching What We Eat, pp. 232-252.
Thursday, March 10
Demo Day: Food Person Project
March 15 & 17
Tuesday, March 22
Read: Patricia Harris, David Lyon, and Sue McLaughlin, “Food & Culture,” from The Meaning of Food, pp. 61-105.
Thursday, March 24
Read: Sandra Cate, “‘Breaking Bread with a Spread’ in the San Francisco County Jail,” Gastronomica, Summer 2008, pp. 17-24.
Tuesday, March 29
Demo Day: Food and Culture Project
Thursday, March 31
Watch: Food, Inc.
Tuesday, April 5
Read: Lisa Miller, Divided We Eat, Newsweek, November 22, 2010.
Thursday, April 7
Read: Michael Pollan, Out of the Kitchen, Onto the Couch, New York Times Magazine, August 2, 2009.
Tuesday, April 12
Read: Elizabeth Kolbert, Green Like Me, The New Yorker, August 31, 2009; and Rachel Laudan, “A Plea for Culinary Modernism: Why We Should Love Fast, New, Processed Food,” Gastronomica, February 2001, pp. 36-44.
Thursday, April 14
Demo Day: Lunch Project
Tuesday, April 19
Read: Kim Severson, Neighbor, Can You Spare a Plum? New York Times, June 10, 2009; Fallen Fruit, “Take Back the Fruit: Public Space and Community Activism, from Food, edited by John Knechtel (MIT Press, 2007).
Thursday, April 21
No class.
Tuesday, April 26
Guest: Marco Perez Navarrete, Permaculture Institute of El Salvador. Readings TBD.
Thursday, April 28
Demo Day: Seasonal Dish Project
Tuesday, May 3
Read: Novella Carpenter, “Turkey,” from Farm City: The Education of an Urban Farmer, pp. 1-98.
Thursday, May 5
Read: Carpenter, “Rabbit,” from Farm City, pp. 99-184.
Tuesday, May 10
Read: Carpenter, “Pig,” from Farm City, pp. 185-269. Guest: Novella Carpenter.
Thursday, May 12
Demo Day: Last Supper Project
This class has no final exam.

Quizzes, homework, and in class assignments - 30%
Class participation - 20%
Projects - 30%
Demo Days - 20%
Attendance Policy:
Missing class, or attending class unprepared, will significantly affect your final grade. If you do miss class, contact a classmate or two to find out what we discussed in class and ask to borrow their notes. After doing this, if you have questions about missed material, visit me during office hours.
1. No late work accepted.
2. No drinking out of non-reusable containers during class.
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