every year, roy christopher
collects and compiles cool summer reading lists. here's my contribution to this year's list.
my summer reading list1. michael pollan's
second nature: a gardener's education (new york: grove press, 1991)
i dig michael pollan. reading pollan gives me ideas for both my garden and my classroom. this book comes highly recommended by USF colleague, friend, and homesteader
melinda stone.

2. erik davis'
the visionary state: a journey through california's spiritual landscape (san francisco, california: chronicle books, 2006) - with stunning photographs by michael rauner.
this book is about california, sacred and profane buildings, shamans, pranksters, psychedelic visionaries, the prayer wheel in berkeley, the chapel of the chimes in oakland, and the alan watts library in druid heights, something i first learned about in
arthur magazine.

3. mary appelhof's
worms eat my garbage: how to set up and maintain a worm composting system (kalamazoo, michigan: flower press, 1982)
i want to be able to gather our food wastes, walk them outside, and feed them to worms. in return, i want and expect, with time, rich compost for our garden. this book will help.

4. karl linn's
building commons and community (oakland, california: new village press, 2007) - published under creative commons
i'm tired of reading books about building community online. i want to read a book about building community offline - with help from community gardens, public exhibits, and neighborhood commons.

what's your summer reading list look like?