i'm not sure if the presentation room has wireless but if it does (and i'll find out within an hour) real-time commenting certainly is the goal.
designing the presentation as a blog post also allows for an interesting place holder for anyone who wants to return to some of these sites after the talk. we'll see what happens. =)
Great presentation! I really enjoyed it and appreciate your candor and enthusiasm. I logged in this time, though my partner in crime will remain not-so-anonymous if you look at the flickr URL. I really appreciated the tempered tone related to technology. I spend too much time online frankly, but at the same time I am concerned with the effects that it has both on attention span and ability to relate/socialize in a wider society. (rp)
--Oh, copyright is dead IMO.
Really like the fact that you focus on the social uses of blogging while dumping the sense that one MUST know/be awestruck of all the professional bloggers out there. And relatedly: the list of linked blogs doesn't have to be as long as the number of blogs you one knows of... One of the pithy quotes from your presentation (of many): "Fear of the word 'shit' has prevented us from going so many cool things." (ms)
I've already sent the "Gone" photo gallery to a few friends--but I look forward to sharing my report with my Library with the links to these resources. :)
I use http://feeddigest.com/ to put our Library's most recent blog post on our homepage as a news item, similar to Feevy. Seems to work well, although I had to tweak it a bit to look how I wanted: www.gocolumbia.edu/library
cc library: cool. actually, i've been looking for a tool that does this task (take dynamic blog content and automatically feed it to a more static web site) and feed digest seems to do the trick. thanks for sending that along.
sheck! i referred to your blog (as well as two others) to highlight how AEIOU can be used by librarian/library blogs. i spotlighted your exploring new technology blog posts as a form of AEIOU. also, as ms notes in the comments above ("Really like the fact that you focus on the social uses of blogging while dumping the sense that one MUST know/be awestruck of all the professional bloggers out there"), i shared how so many of us are often caught up in a-list bloggers (be them in academia, in libraryland, in web 2.0) rather than reading blogs that personally interest us.
instead of merely introducing and talking about AEIOU (like i did at acrl), i further explored the concept by showcasing librarian blogs. it helped me and, i hope, it helped the audience too.
i think it was absolutely helpful and enlightening to see examples of blogs in addition to learning about the concept of AEIOU. you & anne marie've inspired me to start my own blog! hurrah! thanks! (ms)
i am an associate professor of environmental studies and urban ag at the university of san francisco. i live in oakland with sarah and our daughter siena. contact me via the email address listed on this page.
go on with your badself.
yesterday at our faculty workshops, i just saw a presentation that abandoned ppt in favor of flickr.
i hope people post comments while you are presenting.
good morning q!
i'm not sure if the presentation room has wireless but if it does (and i'll find out within an hour) real-time commenting certainly is the goal.
designing the presentation as a blog post also allows for an interesting place holder for anyone who wants to return to some of these sites after the talk. we'll see what happens. =)
Noticed the comments were already there. So had to chime in!
Great tips on using flickr to post. I know some folks who do that to blog from work when blogger is blocked.
10:14. Good call on ditching the mic. You're projecting perfectly and we can hear you in the far back. (rp)
10:16. Photomania lives!
Great presentation! I really enjoyed it and appreciate your candor and enthusiasm. I logged in this time, though my partner in crime will remain not-so-anonymous if you look at the flickr URL. I really appreciated the tempered tone related to technology. I spend too much time online frankly, but at the same time I am concerned with the effects that it has both on attention span and ability to relate/socialize in a wider society. (rp)
--Oh, copyright is dead IMO.
Really like the fact that you focus on the social uses of blogging while dumping the sense that one MUST know/be awestruck of all the professional bloggers out there. And relatedly: the list of linked blogs doesn't have to be as long as the number of blogs you one knows of... One of the pithy quotes from your presentation (of many): "Fear of the word 'shit' has prevented us from going so many cool things." (ms)
I've already sent the "Gone" photo gallery to a few friends--but I look forward to sharing my report with my Library with the links to these resources. :)
Great presentation!
I use http://feeddigest.com/ to put our Library's most recent blog post on our homepage as a news item, similar to Feevy. Seems to work well, although I had to tweak it a bit to look how I wanted: www.gocolumbia.edu/library
WOW! I'm amazed to see my pic there. Thank you. Was this an AEIOU talk? Or strictly LI oriented?
Tell me more!
to rp and ms: thanks for the comments during the conference and it was great to talk further over lunch time. ms: thanks for the pics!
to norman - thanks for sending word out about the gones! i was also excited to see your blog, the chabot library read - excellent.
cc library: cool. actually, i've been looking for a tool that does this task (take dynamic blog content and automatically feed it to a more static web site) and feed digest seems to do the trick. thanks for sending that along.
sheck! i referred to your blog (as well as two others) to highlight how AEIOU can be used by librarian/library blogs. i spotlighted your exploring new technology blog posts as a form of AEIOU. also, as ms notes in the comments above ("Really like the fact that you focus on the social uses of blogging while dumping the sense that one MUST know/be awestruck of all the professional bloggers out there"), i shared how so many of us are often caught up in a-list bloggers (be them in academia, in libraryland, in web 2.0) rather than reading blogs that personally interest us.
instead of merely introducing and talking about AEIOU (like i did at acrl), i further explored the concept by showcasing librarian blogs. it helped me and, i hope, it helped the audience too.
i think it was absolutely helpful and enlightening to see examples of blogs in addition to learning about the concept of AEIOU. you & anne marie've inspired me to start my own blog! hurrah! thanks! (ms)
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