Wednesday, October 13, 2010

flickr assignment #3

flickr assignment #3 for digital media production.

today in class, i shared some observations about your photographs of gleeson library, or flickr assignment #2, and briefly discussed some examples that i thought really worked: bryce's Midterm Week; yakuri's UFO?!; evelyn's comment on yakuri's Dizzy Stairs; chris's Great comic book selection at Gleeson!; and quincy's set PR6023.A93 J64. exciting work, folks!

for flickr assignment #3, i want each of you to:

1. do it again.

2. this time, be careful to follow all steps: limit yourself to 3-5 photos, tag them, title them, and add one or some or all of them to the Gleeson Library at USF flickr group.

3. last time, i encouraged you to include human beings in your photographs. this time, i required you to include at least one human in at least one of your photos.

4. consider including librarians and library staff in your photographs.

5. following today's creative commons lecture by shawn calhoun, think about and set your creative commons license on your flickr account (go to "Your Account" and select "Privacy and Permissions"). have questions? use twitter to ask your fellow DMPers, me, or shawn for help.

6. once finished and before class on friday, tweet about it. be sure your tweet includes a link to your flickr set.


a. follow all directions.

b. if you have no work to demo for friday's demo day, do not come to class.

1 comment:

  1. Hey DMP - thanks for the opportunity to stop by your class and talk with you about photography and copyright/creative commons. Here's a shortcut to view/change your default Flickr license
