tomorrow, i’ll hand out the final group project to
intro to media studies students.

Final Group Project: Editing USF’s Wikipedia Page
Intro to Media Studies
Professor Silver
Two weeks ago, we began reading and thinking about
USF’s wikipedia page. In class, we talked about ways we would edit and add to the page. We brainstormed topics that could be researched and written, and discussed sources worthy of citing. Last week, with help from Phoebe Ayers, we learned how wikipedia works and how people like you and me can edit the pages. For your final project in Intro to Media Studies, you will work in groups to significantly add or edit the
University of San Francisco and
San Francisco Dons wikipedia pages.
1. You must join a group of two or more students.
2. You must create your own wikipedia account.
3. By the end of today, a member of your group must post a brief description of your topic to our
USF WikiProject page.
4. Your group project assignment is to add significantly to the University of San Francisco and San Francisco Dons wikipedia pages. Your addition should abide by wikipedia’s three main rules: neutral point of view, verifiability, and no original research.
5. Your group contribution should also be interesting - to you, to your group, and to others.
6. Back up what you add and edit with at least five good references. If you are unsure about what makes a good reference, ask your group. If your group cannot decide, ask me.
7. At least three of your references must come directly from Gleeson Library. Please do not underestimate requirement seven. Group projects that do not adhere to this requirement will receive failing grades.
8. If you are lucky, other wikipedians will edit and interact with your work. This is a good thing. Work with not against them.
9. As a group, write a three page essay about your contribution, your references, and who did what. Group-edit your essay until it has zero errors.
10. Print out one copy of your paper and turn it in at the beginning of class on Tuesday, December 9th. Also, turn in your journals.