Sunday, March 30, 2008


gone gallery


  1. there's all kinds of racist wrong in this particular image, david.michael.silver and i suspect that is precisely why you chose it?

    but, man, have i been waiting for this one gone. we desperately need imaginative thinkers at HUD to help with NOLA and the wrath of katrina + rita, and more we need big thinking to help intervene in the subprime mess. what would happen if we realized that foreclosure isn't just about the travails of individual homeowners, but also the coming of block by block devastation in our local places?

    we need creative problem-solvers not crooks.

  2. there's all kinds of racist wrong with this particular administration and that's what's behind my choice for this one. i think this image works well because it has a double meaning.

    i'm with you on now's the time for big thinking. i think you made that point really well in your talk last week - now's the time, you said, to think not only about individual homeowners but entire communities and cities.

    "we need creative problem-solvers not crooks" - nice.
