Monday, March 31, 2008

davies forum speaker series: kevin epps

the davies forum on digital literacy continues its speaker series this thursday evening with kevin epps. first the facts:

who? kevin epps, writer, activist and award-winning filmmaker
what? a semester-long speaker series devoted to literacy in a digital age
where? maier room, fromm hall, university of san francisco
when? thursday, april 3 at 6:30 pm
price? free and open to the public

kevin epps is a writer, activist, and award-winning filmmaker. his debut film, straight outta hunters point (2002), about a predominately african-american community in san francisco, has garnered local and national acclaim. epps is also the filmmaker behind rap dreams, released in 2006. in addition to being a passionate community activist who speaks out about social, economic, and environmental issues confronting underserved communities, epps is a member of san francisco's digital media advisory council, made up of leading digital, new media, and technology innovators, organizations, and companies, and also a board member of the SF black film festival. epps is currently working on the black rock which chronicles the experiences of african-american prisoners at alcatraz.

for his davies forum presentation, kevin will screen some of his work, talk about straight outta hunters point and rap dreams, discuss independent and new media, and foster dialogue with students and other attendees.

to see what we've been up to so far, see (photos) and (videos).

see you there.

update: i am experimenting with embedding videos from the talks.

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