Wednesday, April 25, 2007

USF event - robin givhan and "the politics of fashion"

back in grad school, i lived in maryland and washington dc, which meant i had easy access to the print version - the one you could hold and fold in your hands - of the washington post. in those days, morning meant a bagel, coffee, and the post. a good morning was when the post featured robin givhan's column.

the first fashion writer to win a pulitzer, givhan's beat is the intersections among fashion, culture, and politics. her column makes me think and reflect. sometimes it makes me laugh out loud.

this friday, givhan will be speaking at USF. here's the details:

what? a public talk titled: "the politics of fashion: what barack's shirts, pelosi's suits, beyonce's hips and sanjaya's ponyhawk say about power, gender, race, class and values"
who? washington post fashion editor robin givhan, winner of the 2006 pulitzer prize for criticism
when? friday, april 27, 12:30-2 pm
where? maraschi room, fromm hall, university of san francisco
who's making this happen? the event is being organized by teresa moore and is co-sponsored by the journalism minor, media studies colloquium and speakers series, and gender and sexualities studies

unfortunately, i'll be out of town on friday. fortunately, however, i believe many of my digital journalism students will be blogging about the talk. finally, much respect to hunter who gets my vote for USF poster of the year:

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