Thursday, April 19, 2007

USF event - justice and journalism: josh wolf on information, independence and control

justice and journalism: josh wolf on information, independence and control
monday, april 23, 4-6 pm
university of san francisco, mclaren 252

from the press release:
"After videotaping an anti-G8 protest in San Francisco, journalist and videoblogger Josh Wolf was asked by federal officials to hand over his footage. Upon refusing he was jailed. Released a few days ago, he comes to USF to talk about why he was willing to spend 7 ½ months locked up for refusing to let federal investigators mine his footage for evidence. What are the implications of his case for media makers, sources and audiences? Wolf will discuss the importance of a federal shield law and his work with Free the Media and, two organizations he started while incarcerated."

this event is sponsored by the journalism minor, college of arts and sciences, environmental studies, gleeson library, living-learning communities, media studies department, peace and justice studies, politics department, and sociology department.

this event is free and open to the public.

please help us get the word out.

more info:

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