Monday, August 21, 2017

golden gate park (fall 2017)

ENVA 195: Golden Gate Park (First-Year Seminar)
Tues & Thurs 9:55–11:40 am, Lo Schiavo Science 303

Professor David Silver (dmsilver [ at ] usfca [ dot ] edu)
Office / hours: Kalmanovitz 141, Tues & Thurs 1–2 pm & by appointment

Golden Gate Park is a First-Year Seminar that explores the history, built environment, mixed uses, and popular narratives of San Francisco's Golden Gate Park. As part of an accelerated writing seminar, students will read, research, write, and edit their ways through the park – with formal essays, informal reading responses, and significant contributions to Wikipedia. Through readings, class discussions, walks-in-the-park, and field trips, students will develop a broad and keen appreciation of Golden Gate Park.

Student Learning Outcomes
This course fulfills USF’s A2 Core requirement. As such, over the course of the term, you will develop capability in the following areas:
1.     Critical analysis of academic discourse: Students critically analyze linguistic and rhetorical strategies used in long and complex texts from a variety of genres, subjects, and fields. [Met primarily in essays 1 & 2 and in reading responses]
2.     Integrating multiple academic sources: Students incorporate multiple texts of length and complexity within a unified argumentative essay, addressing connections and differences among them. [Met primarily in essays 2 & 3]
3.     Academic research: Students develop sophisticated research questions and compose substantial arguments in response to those questions, incorporating extensive independent library research and demonstrating mastery of standard academic documentation modes. [Met primarily in essay 3 and Wikipedia project]
4.     Style: Students edit their own prose to achieve a clear and mature writing style in keeping with the conventions of academic and/or professional discourse. [Met in all three essays, in reading responses, and in in-class exercises]
5.     Revision: Students develop their own revision strategies for extending and enriching early drafts and for producing polished advanced academic writing. [Met in essays 2 & 3 and in Wikipedia project]

Course Texts and Costs
You are required to purchase Philip J. Dreyfus's Our Better Nature: Environment and the Making of San Francisco. We will begin reading it second week, so please purchase it immediately. All other readings are either free online or emailed PDFs. All field trip costs are covered by USF’s First Year Seminar Program.

Week 1
Tuesday, 8/22: Introductions and expectations.
Thursday, 8/24: Read Chris Walker, “The public value of urban parks,” The Urban Institute (2004).

Week 2
Tuesday, 8/29: Read Philip J. Dreyfus, “Coyote’s Children,” from Our Better Nature: Environment and the Making of San Francisco, pp. 11-31.
Thursday, 8/31: Field trip to Golden Gate Park.

Week 3
Tuesday, 9/5: Read Dreyfus, “Urban Genesis,” Our Better Nature, pp. 32-49.
Thursday, 9/7: Read Dreyfus, “Urban Genesis,” Our Better Nature, pp. 50-66.

Week 4
Tuesday, 9/12: Read Dreyfus, “Greening the City,” Our Better Nature, pp. 67-86.
Thursday, 9/14: Read Dreyfus, “Greening the City,” Our Better Nature, pp. 86-101.

Week 5
Tuesday, 9/19: Essay 1 workshop.
Thursday, 9/21: Essay 1 due in class.

Week 6
Tuesday, 9/26: Prior to class, listen/read/walk with Marina McDougall, Alison Sant, Richard Johnson, and Kirstin Bach, “An Unnatural History of Golden Gate Park,” a 7-part guided podcast (Studio for Urban Projects, 2008).
Thursday, 9/28: No class.

Week 7
Tuesday, 10/3: Field trip to Golden Gate Park: In search for hidden water with guest lecturer/tour guide Joel Pomerantz, writer, natural history educator, and founder of Thinkwalks.
Thursday, 10/5: Read James R. Smith, “California Midwinter International Exposition – 1894,” from San Francisco’s Lost Landmarks (Word Dancer Press, 2005): pp. 111-126.

Week 8
Tuesday, 10/10: Read Barbara Berglund, “The Days of Old, the Days of Gold, the Days of ‘49”: Identity, History, and Memory at the California Midwinter International Exposition, 1894,” The Public Historian (Fall 2003): pp. 25-49.
Thursday, 10/12: Field/research trip to San Francisco History Center, San Francisco Main Public Library.

Week 9
Tuesday, 10/17: No class: Fall break.
Thursday, 10/19: Essay Two due in class.

Week 10
Tuesday, 10/24: Read Ray Oldenburg, “The Character of Third Places,” from The Great Good Place: Cafes, coffee shops, community centers, beauty parlors, general stores, bars, hangouts, and how they get you through the day (1989), pp. 20-42.
Thursday, 10/26: Read Robert C. Cottrell, "From the human be-in to the summer of love," in Sex, Drugs, and Rock 'n' Roll: The Rise of America's 1960s Counterculture (2015): pp. 195-216.

Week 11
Tuesday, 10/31: Field trip to Golden Gate Park.
Thursday, 11/2: Topic selection workshop.

Week 12
Tuesday, 11/7: Field trip to Golden Gate Park
Thursday, 11/9: Essay Three due in class.

Week 13
Tuesday, 11/14: Read “Golden Gate Park” entry on Wikipedia at least 2-3 times. Read and be ready to discuss both its content (the information it contains) and structure (its outline, components, links, sources, and style).
Thursday, 11/16: Read/complete Wiki Education Foundation, “Online Training for Students.” This includes creating a Wikipedia account and a user page.

Week 14
Tuesday, 11/21: Read “Evaluating Wikipedia,” “Editing Wikipedia,” “Using Talk Pages,” “Citing sources on Wikipedia,” “Avoiding plagiarism on Wikipedia,” and “Illustrating Wikipedia.”
Thursday, 11/23: No class: Thanksgiving

Week 15
Tuesday, 11/28: Wikipedia workday
Thursday, 11/30: Final Wikipedia contributions due in class.

Week 16
Tuesday, 12/5: Pizza party in the park.

This class has no final.

Essay 1                                   15
Essay 2                                   20
Essay 3                                   25
Wikipedia Project               20
Reading Responses            10
Class Participation              10

Attendance Policy
Attendance is crucial. Missing class (or attending class unprepared) will significantly affect your final grade. If you do miss class, contact a classmate to find out what you missed and ask to borrow her or his notes. Then, do it again with a different classmate. After doing this, if you have questions email me.

Academic Integrity
Plagiarism is using another person’s words, works, and/or ideas without giving appropriate credit. Plagiarism is a serious violation of academic honor and personal integrity and can result in failing an assignment, being removed from this course, or even being asked to leave USF. Plus, it’s just lazy.

1. No late work accepted.
2. In class and on field trips, no drinking out of non-reusable containers.

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