Monday, January 26, 2015

twitter assignment

twitter assignment for golden gate park first-year seminar and making food, making media class:

1. if you have not yet joined twitter, join twitter.

2. create a profile. you are not required to use your real name in your profile but you certainly can.

3. make your profile public. if you already have a twitter account that is private and wish to keep it that way, create a new account for this class.

4. find and follow all members (students and professor) of our class.

5. if you're in golden gate park class, also follow @GoldenGatePark, @GleesonLibrary, @itweetUSF, and @usfca. if you're in making food, making media, also follow @USFSeedLibrary, @GleesonLibrary, @itweetUSF, and @usfca.

6. get into the habit of checking twitter at least once a day.

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