Thursday, February 17, 2011

paper 2 for golden gate park first-year seminar

Paper 2 for Golden Gate Park

1. In our readings and class discussions, we have focused on the early history of Golden Gate Park as well as the crucial role of William Hammond Hall. For your second paper, I want you to write, in no more than three double-spaced pages, about any aspect of Hall.

2. Keep in mind that everything we do in this class is cumulative which means by now I expect you to know how to introduce your topic effectively and how to summarize your sources.

3. In this paper, you are required to use at least two sources: Raymond H. Clary's Making of Golden Gate Park: The Early Years: 1865-1906; and Gray Brechin's Imperial San Francisco: Urban Power, Earthly Ruin.

4. Although I expect a fascinating, well-written, and well-edited essay about Hall, what I am most interested in is your ability to select and integrate quotations effectively. Please consider re-reading Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein's chapter, "'As He Himself Puts It': The Art of Quoting," and definitely revisit your notes on Tuesday's class discussion of "quotation sandwiches."

5. Edit carefully. If I find three or more errors - spelling, grammar - I will stop reading your paper, return it to you, and ask you to re-edit and re-submit.

6. Sometime between now and Thursday, February 24, tweet the topic of your paper. Be sure to include the #rhet195 hashtag in your tweet.

7. Paper 2 is due in class on Thursday, February 24. No late work accepted.

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