Thursday, April 22, 2010

getting students' bodies and ideas into libraries: a talk for minnesotan librarians

tomorrow, i'm giving the opening talk at ARLD Day, sponsored by the academic & research libraries division of the minnesota library association. the title of my talk is "getting students' bodies and ideas into libraries." i plan to limit my talk to a particular nook of gleeson library and what university of san francisco students and librarians do with and within it.

exhibit 1: good food (designed by USF librarian sherise kimura)

exhibit 2: get graphic (designed by USF librarians debbie benrubi and kathy woo)

exhibit 3: election exhibit (designed by students enrolled in two sections of david silver's introduction to media studies in fall 2008)

exhibit 4: the reading fort (designed by students enrolled in david silver's digital literacy class in spring 2008)

exhibit 5: our dinner table (currently being designed by students enrolled in david silver's green media in spring 2010)

1 comment:

  1. I am so looking forward to the dinner table!
