Saturday, February 20, 2010

bake a loaf of bread assignment

bake a loaf of bread assignment for students in green media

1. in addition to our other readings for this friday, read "Basic White Bread – Ten Steps to Fresh-baked Goodness," from Sunset Cook Book of Breads; Molly Katzen, "An Illustrated Guide to the Baking of Yeast Bread," from The Enchanted Broccoli Forest; and Brother Rick Curry, S.J., "Making Bread," from The Secrets of Jesuit Breadmaking.

2. either individually or collaboratively, bake a loaf of bread. document the process.

3. bring your loaf of bread to class on friday, february 26. also bring a plate to class so that you can sample other people's loaves.

4. along with your loaf, bring a little something to accompany it (a bread accessory!) - honey, jam, herb butter, lilikoi flavored butter, cheese, lunch meat, an avocado, hummus, aioli, olives, you name it. to avoid duplication and to give us a sense of the feast that stands before us, tweet your bread accessory once you've decided on it. also bring a serving utensil for your bread accessory.

5. on friday, after we plant our garden plot, we will break bread together.

6. using multimedia and an online platform that allows readers the opportunity to leave comments, make a recipe and share it online. once finished, and certainly before sunset on sunday, tweet about it. be sure to include a link so that others can read your recipe.


1. do not be intimidated by this assignment. have fun with it.

2. no late work accepted.


  1. And to wash down your "pan" use an organic straw.

  2. ooh, i like this idea! we need to grow some papaya.

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