Wednesday, August 26, 2009

first day of class

yesterday in digital media production, instead of printing out 13 copies of my 6-page syllabus, i copied the URL, pasted it 13 times, and printed it out on bright green paper. then i cut the piece of paper into fortune cookie-like strips and handed them out to students in class.

using colored markers and a whiteboard, my students recorded their experience (or lack thereof) with the 7 digital platforms we'll be using this semester: facebook, twitter, flickr, yelp, blogs, google maps, and kiva.

and once again i included what i'm now calling the green and golden rule (USF's school colors!) - green because it's more sustainable and golden because it saves my students and me money.

despite the room we were assigned (on a scale of 1-5 our room's technology level is, literally, 0 - and this is for a class on digital media production), i have high hopes for this class and the 13 students in it.


  1. I'm really looking forward to this class. :D

  2. I found a reusable bottle. yeyyyyy

  3. excellent, asaf, congratulations! i look forward to seeing it in class today.

  4. Small and yet very significant ways of reinforcing the Green movement. Plus you walk the talk. RESPECT.

  5. Very nice, elegant first-day exercise set.

    Getting any sleep? ;)

  6. thanks Bryan!

    sleep? i usually get 2 3-hour chunks of sleep a night. i can't remember the last time i had a dream. =) siena's sleeping longer, though, so i think the pathway to sleep-bliss is around the corner.
