Saturday, June 13, 2009

yer invited: work day / class day / feast day in the garden

yer invited!

USF's garden project is delighted to announce our first WORK DAY / CLASS DAY / FEAST DAY of the summer! please join us this sunday, june 14th and welcome our newest garden project member justin valone.

where: USF's campus garden

when: sunday, june 14th, 10 am - 2 pm

who: members of the USF campus community and friends

what: we will gather to weed, water, and help plant the southwest plot (formerly known as the fava bean plot). also, our new teacher justin valone will teach us some gardening skills and how to harvest.

what to bring: bring any food scraps (no meat, no bread) for our compost pile; bring a plate and fork for our garden-picked lunch; and bring a canvas or plastic bag to take some garden goodness back home with you.

see you there.

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