Sunday, June 28, 2009

new reviews in cyberculture studies (july 2009)

each month, RCCS Reviews pumps out free, full-length reviews of books about contemporary media and culture. books of the month for july 2009 are:

Cheating: Gaining Advantage in Videogames
Author: Mia Consalvo
Publisher: MIT Press, 2007
Review 1: Bryan G. Behrenshausen
Review 2: Tanner Higgin
Review 3: Ray Vichot
Author Response: Mia Consalvo

Digitizing Race: Visual Cultures of the Internet
Author: Lisa Nakamura
Publisher: University of Minnesota Press, 2007
Review 1: Yuya Kiuchi
Review 2: Nicholas Knouf
Review 3: Koen Leurs
Review 4: Andrea L. Volpe
Author Response: Lisa Nakamura

Evocative Objects: Things We Think With
Editor: Sherry Turkle
Publisher: MIT Press, 2007
Review 1: Chris Foster
Review 2: Gloria Gannaway
Review 3: Linda Levitt
Review 4: Albin Wallace

enjoy. there's a bit more where that came from.

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