Sunday, May 31, 2009

getting started with twitter in 14 easy steps

on monday, june 1, from 10 am to noon, i'll be leading a workshop called getting started with twitter. the workshop is part of USF's center for instruction & technology and is for USF faculty, staff, and librarians.

this blog post serves as a rough outline for what we'll most likely be covering. comments and feedback encouraged.

getting started with twitter

intro: who are we?

basic twitter
1. creating a profile
2. following other people
3. tweeting
4. replying
5. RTing

advanced twitter
6. linking (with tinyurl)
7. favoriting
8. DMing
9. searching twitter
10. finding yourself (or the @yourname link)

enhanced twitter
11. tweetdeck, tweetie, and apps like that
12. integrating twitter with facebook

twitter tips
13. thinking about thin and thick tweets
14. already existing information optimally uploaded, or aeiou

wrap-up: collective brainstorming session about how each of us may use twitter in our academic (or not so academic) lives.

update: here's a photograph of today's workshop participants!


  1. Hope it goes well. I'd love to hear the reaction among faculty and staff. With all the hype it gets, Twitter can be a hard sell. But it has completely changed the way I share and find information. Good luck!

  2. Thanks for this, David! Will show my librarian colleagues. I did an unrehearsed Twitter demo to some of my colleagues two weeks ago. While Twitter was easy to use, i.e. post the 140 character message, it surprised me that other things weren't as intuitive. E.g. how do you backtrack and obtain the context of Tweet conversations. BTW, a friend of mine shared a nice analogy of Tweets with me. He likened it to a dinner conversation where you'd inevitably overhear what others are saying. And if you want, you can join in.
