Wednesday, April 01, 2009

how-to homestead hoe-down this saturday night

join friend and USF colleague melinda stone and the how-to homestead crew for a down-home hootenanny of movies, tastings, song, and dance!

what?!? a how-to homestead hoe-down
where?!? other cinema, 992 valencia @ 21st, san francisco
when?!? this saturday, april 4, 8:30 pm
what's the cost?!? $10
what's the cost if you bring homemade beer, whiskey, or pickles and share with others during intermission?!? $6

the evening begins with new homesteading movie shorts, including melinda stone's "wheat for the people" (with live music by didimao), maya donelson's "graze the roof," becca brenner's "whey fermented vegetables" (with tastings at intermission), mariana lopez's "how to make a milk-crate container bed," and more surprises.

then, intermission! this includes free tastings of home-made beer, booze, fermented vegetables, and other homestead goodies. intermission also includes erik knetzen, co-author of the urban homestead.

finally, clear the chairs for dancing and singing with the goat family, a nuevo-traditional jug band on the old-timey exuberance and infectious tip.

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