Tuesday, April 21, 2009

the earth's journey - a USF dance performance for earth day

on wednesday, april 22 and friday, april 24, a number of USF students will be performing a dance called "the earth's journey" in recognition and celebration of earth day.

the dance performances are as follows:

wednesday, april 22, 6:30 pm in the dance studio in koret center.

friday, april 24, 9:30 am in the dance studio in koret center. (please note that this performance will begin in the dance studio and then move out to other parts of campus. therefore, make sure you are in the dance studio by 9:30 am.)

for students enrolled in digital media production or eating san francisco, please try your best to attend one or both of the performances, document it, and share publicly your findings and reactions through a flickr set, blog post, and/or video.


  1. Felicitaciones! from Puerto Rico.
    I’m just tasting the fruit of hard labor.



  2. That would be so awesome if you could get your students to do something more with food and dance/performance art. Especially since dancers are often viewed as people who don't eat, that would be great/enlightening/illuminating if there was some sort of collaboration between dancers and cookers/eaters/food academics/etc...

  3. Sabi - hello! it's great to hear from you again.

    Jennifer - that's an excellent idea. i'm going to think about this some more and hopefully we'll think of some ways to make this connection / collaboration happen. any ideas you can think of are surely welcome, too!
