Wednesday, April 15, 2009

cook a delicious meal project

cook a delicious meal project assignment for eating san francisco

1. cook a delicious meal.

2. you may cook your delicious meal solo or with others.

3. you must share your delicious meal with at least one other person.

4. document the process.

5. as always, your project must rest upon a platform that a) supports multimedia, b) is open to the public, and c) allows visitors the opportunity to comment on your work.

6. when finished, and no later than next thursday night, tweet your project.


  1. Every post about this class makes me hungry. This post especially. Are non-class members allowed to participate too?

  2. Sheck - yes, non-class members, especially those from vermont, are allowed and encouraged to participate. no late work accepted. =)

  3. What a great idea for a project! Fusing two of my favourite things, food and Internet -- I should totally be taking this class. I might participate in my own little way... I'm cooking a delicious meal for 8 on Saturday night, in a kitchen far superior to my own!

    I've always been a little fascinated by the way that food blogging has taken off on the net (and intend to write a paper about it some time soon!) -- how can something so sensory translate to an environment where you can't taste/smell/feel the food you're reading about? Either way, it works.

  4. Erin - thanks! you *should* be taking this class. =) please consider doing the assignment (it won't be graded but it will be much appreciated) and if you do it, please leave a comment with a URL to it so that my students and i can see what you made. =)

  5. I havent any word to appreciate this post.....Really i am impressed from this post....the person who create this post it was a great human..thanks for shared this with us.

    Kenali Dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata Di Pandeglang
