Monday, June 02, 2008

new reviews in cyberculture studies (june 2008)

each month, the resource center for cyberculture studies (RCCS) publishes a set of book reviews and author responses.

books of the month for june 2008 include:

Disability and Contemporary Performance: Bodies on Edge
Author: Petra Kuppers
Publisher: Routledge, 2003
Review 1: Adi Kuntsman
Author Response: Petra Kuppers

My Mother Was a Computer: Digital Subjects and Literary Texts
Author: N. Katherine Hayles
Publisher: University of Chicago Press, 2005
Review 1: Michael Filas
Author Response: N. Katherine Hayles

Technically Together: Rethinking Community within Techno-Society
Author: Michele A. Willson
Publisher: Peter Lang Publishing, 2006
Review 1: Lisa Justine Hernández
Review 2: Barbara Iverson
Author Response: Michele Willson

enjoy. there's more where that came from. plus, coming soon (like in late june): a very large list of new and exciting books waiting to be reviewed, perhaps by you.

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