Wednesday, June 04, 2008

community technology meet-up: digital storytelling

interested in digital storytelling? live in the bay area? attend the community technology meet-up on digital storytelling.

when: wednesday, june 18, 5 pm

where: TechSoup, 525 brannan street #300, san francisco

what: "Calling all Bay Area Digital Storytelling organizations, advocates and facilitators! Join the Center for Digital Storytelling, Streetside Productions, and Community Technology Network to exchange digital storytelling curriculum ideas, share stories, and engage in meaningful dialogue around using media and technology to create engaging stories. Digital Storytelling has become a powerful tool for community organization to not only foster community and raise voices, but improve technology and literacy skills as well. Don't miss this chance to network with others involved with digital storytelling in the Bay Area!"

for more information, contact the event's organizer, kami griffiths. see you there.

1 comment:

  1. Also, free Social Media & Advertising event at the Kabuki at 6pm that night: "LISA"

    I love digital storytelling, but I also love getting paid for my work. Attending these kinds of Social Marketing events is kind of an "icky" crowd to hang out with, but I like knowing what's going through their minds.

