Monday, June 09, 2008

a class about food

i'm in new york for a week attending the faculty resource network at NYU. along with twenty other professors, i'm enrolled in the landscape of american food in the twenty-first century, taught by amy bentley, a faculty member in NYU's department of nutrition, food studies and public health.

we're spending five days reading about food (including warren belasco's meals to come: a history of the future of food and michael pollan's the omnivore's dilemma: a natural history of four meals), talking about food, and, later in the week, talking about teaching about food. plus, we'll be taking two, maybe three field trips across new york city.

the disciplinary diversity of my fellow classmates is awesome. there are faculty from agricultural technology, anthropology, business, chemistry, communication, criminal justice, english, food service, french, health and human performance, history, math, media studies, natural sciences, physical sciences, psychology, and sociology. although the majority of participants are from US community colleges, colleges, and universities, there are three professors from puerto rico.

like last year, i'm staying in hayden hall, an NYU dorm located directly next to washington square park. suh-weet.


  1. Rockin! One of my favorite topics. I am going to hear Michael Pollen speak this evening at UVM about local food: is his work being covered at all? In Vermont, local food is paramount almost to organic, quite a swing I think. Looking forward to hearing more.

  2. hey sheck! yes, pollan's omnivore's dilemma is our key text for the class. it makes for such good reading and such good discussion. i hope you will blog his talk at UVM.
