Saturday, April 12, 2008

making media and new media @ USF

today, i'm on campus to give a talk to newly admitted USF undergraduates who will join are considering joining us in the fall. my talk is called "making media and new media @ USF," and most likely will go a little something like this.

i'll begin by introducing our new students to the many media-making opportunities at USF. there is the foghorn, our campus newspaper. there are our two radio stations, KDNZ and KUSF. there is USFtv, a student-run campus television station. and there is our film studies minor. and interspersed across many of our media studies classes, as well as courses across campus, are opportunities for students to create digital media.

then, i plan to discuss that while student media at USF is difficult to categorize, most of it contains one or more of the following characteristics: diversity of content; collaboratively made; and social justice driven. to show what i mean by this, i hope to screen some examples of inspired student work.

such as ...

wyclef jean's video "if i was president" directed by USF student alexandra platt with help from a USF crew that includes chris begley, dave binegar, aiza bonus, david burgis, nikka elman, sandy hayashi, james kilton, kevin kunze, tobe platt, shaina onnagan, nina sasson, miles simcox, amanda von west, and danielle watchman:

USFtv's visionz (with meg and dia):

and a clip from MTVu's editorial board featuring USF student laura plantholt:

and "fungus among us" by the how to homestead crew:

and then, if we have time, i may even show them this:

update: here's what it looked like from my side!


  1. well mr silver, i thought id go ahead a leave you a comment after checking out your blog. haha it made me laugh to see the picture of all of us just earlier today (i was in the media presentation you gave for the propective undergrads) so i just want to tell you that you gave a wonderful class especially in such a short time. i dont know if ill be attending usf but it really does seem like an amazing place especially with the drawback of being so small, it is still very involved. so thanks again and you can say i did my hw!! :") kay toodles x D

  2. Thanks Prof. Silver for the mock class today, I think personally for me your mini lecture might have sealed the deal for me I loved how you were able to incorporate social justice into media so fluidly which made me really excited that I was majoring in the Media Studies program next year.

    thanks Again!

  3. So I don't really believe in homework (and yet somehow I've made it through high school) but this one seemed like I might actually get something out of the assignment.
    Your class today was great. I had a lot of fun. I'm not sure if I'll be going to USF, but I wish I could take you to wherever I end up.
    And I'm glad at least one person took a picture of me having a good time today.

    Toodles (Bye) :)

  4. hey, thanks for the comments and kind words! also, good for you three for doing your homework in a timely manner.

    @tafakly - yeah, the pic is classic, huh? unfortunately, a few students, especially on the left side, were cut out. good luck on your decision.

    @chad - excellent! the fusion of social justice and our respective fields - whether it's media studies or english, computer science or performing arts - is something you'll see a lot of at USF.

    @melissa - wow, thanks. good luck on your decision and thanks for attending the talk.

  5. As a librarian here at USF and a mother currently doing the accepted students orientation circuit with a high school senior, all that I can say is GREAT! If you don't receive tenure next year, something is seriously wrong.


  6. thanks kathy!

    i really like the idea of students (and parents!) experiencing first-hand the campus and city they'll be calling home for four or five years.

    it's good for the students but it's also good for us - we get a sneak peak of what's to come!

  7. Thanks again David for a great media studies presentation and for being such an awesome addition to our Open House event! It was great to read the comments that some of the students posted. Also thanks for the picture! Sarah Scannell

  8. sarah - thanks for inviting me in the first place. i'll look forward to collaborating with you and your office in the future!
