Sunday, March 02, 2008

party in palo alto!

yesterday was my sister cara's birthday and as a present mom offered to stay with w and d while cara and steve spent a weekend in napa valley chillaxing.

so today, with parents out of town, we partied in palo alto! mom, in from santa cruz, provided the mac and cheese, sarah and i drove down from the city, and sister nancy, jeff, a, and b traveled the few blocks from their own home. good times were had.

on the way back home, sarah said that mom said that my sister lisa said that p, one of two new nephews in new york city, said his first word: "cat." apparently he said it twice.

the little ones are growing so beautifully and so quickly.


  1. Looks like fun!

    Also, I found the discussion forum you were seeking about the tobacco issue.

    Should USF be a Smoke-Free Campus?

  2. Now THAT picture is what I'd call chillax'in!

  3. You can only imagine how much I LOVE hearing about your family, David. I used to tell your parents that the world would be such a better place if they could only bottle and sell their parenting skills. I have such fond memories of all of you.
    -Marian G

  4. marian - ooh, the idea of my parents bottling their parental skills and inspirations is an excellent idea but you and i know them too well to know that they would never sell the bottles ... they'd give 'em away for free.

    speaking of bottling, any chance you can bottle your teaching skills?

    marian, let me know the next time you're in SF and one day soon sarah and i will get down to SLO to visit you.
