Monday, March 10, 2008

davies forum speaker series: fred stutzman

the davies forum on digital literacy continues its speaker series this thursday evening with fred stutzman. first the facts:

who? fred stutzman, Ph.D. student at the university of north carolina's school of information and library science and co-founder and developer of claimID
what? a semester-long speaker series devoted to literacy in a digital age
where? maier hall, fromm hall, university of san francisco
when? thursday, march 13, at 6:30 pm
price? free and open to the public

drawing on three years of research and analysis, fred will explore the critical issues surrounding social network use - what we do in online social networks, how and why we join them, and what value we get from participating. in addition, fred will look at attitudes towards privacy and disclosure, and explore what social networks of the future might look like. with luck, he'll also talk a bit about claimID.

as with the rest of the davies forum speakers series, this event is free and open to the public. in preparation for the talk, you are welcome and encouraged to read the following:

danah boyd, "why youth (heart) social network sites: the role of networked publics in teenage social life"; louise story, "the evolution of facebook’s beacon"; and fred stutzman, "social network transitions" and "situational relevance in social networking websites."

to see what we've been up to so far, see (photos) and (videos).

see you there.


  1. The guys at Clickpass seem to be doing the same thing Fred is at ClaimID.

    Here's an Arrington writeup:

  2. The videos are up! So cool!
