Monday, February 11, 2008

davies forum speaker series: ivan chew

the davies forum on digital literacy continues its speaker series this thursday evening with ivan chew. first the facts:

who? ivan chew, adult & young people's services librarian, national library board, singapore
what? a semester-long speaker series devoted to literacy in a digital age
where? maier room, fromm hall, university of san francisco
when? thursday, february 14, at 6:30 pm
price? free and open to the public

Ivan Chew is a trained librarian and received his MSc (Information Studies) from Nanyang Technology University. In his years working for the National Library Board (Singapore), he has been a Public Services librarian at a community library, a Web Project Manager for a website targeting at students, a manager of a shopping mall library, and a regional library manager. He currently heads the Adult & Young People's Services (Public Libraries), working with a team of librarians in delivering services to schools and organizations island-wide.

When he's off work, Ivan draws, paints, blogs, runs a mailing list for librarians, and works on original songs for a collaborative online music album.

(to get an idea of what ivan will be talking about, please visit his blog post about the event. also, if there is a topic you wish ivan to address, please add a comment to his blog post.)

as with the rest of the davies forum speakers series, this event is free and open to the public. in preparation for the talk, you are welcome and encouraged to read the following:

Times of My Life, "My Old Katong Final Pt.- Other Lost Landmarks"; Lam Chun See, "What Prompted Me To Start This Blog"; Ivan Chew, "My father, Basketball, and the late President Chiang Kai-shek"; and Taking Up The Challenge, "Talk On Blogging For Seniors."

hope to see you there.

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