Thursday, February 21, 2008

davies forum speaker series: brewster kahle

the davies forum on digital literacy continues its speaker series this thursday evening with brewster kahle. first the facts:

who? brewster kahle, founder and digital librarian, internet archive
what? a semester-long speaker series devoted to literacy in a digital age
where? 113 cowell (note room change for this week only!), university of san francisco
when? thursday, february 21, at 6:30 pm
price? free and open to the public

(brewster is the guy on the right!)

as with the rest of the davies forum speakers series, this event is free and open to the public. in preparation for the talk, you are welcome and encouraged to read the following:

Andrew Richard Albanese, "Scan This Book: An Interview with Open Content Alliance's Brewster Kahle,” Library Journal (August 2007); Kevin Kelly, "Scan this Book!" New York Times Magazine (May 14, 2006); Siva Vaidhyanathan, portions of The Googlization of Everything

hope to see you there.


  1. i love that photo!

  2. I know I've said it several times, but PLEASE shake Brewster's hand for me, David. I'm a huge fan of Internet Archive.

  3. sarah - this morning, i was telling students in digital journalism about brewster and mentioned that he'll be talking this evening. when i turned around to look up at the computer screen, i saw this pic, with brewster's hands a-wavin', i cracked up. =)

    ivan - you've made it back! i will gladly shake brewster's hand and tell him it's from you. we miss you already.

  4. I am :-( I had to miss Brewster's talk. I was all jazzed up after seeing Ivan too -- very relevant presentation for we blogging librarians. However, I have seen Brewster Kahle present at Society for Scholarly Publishing and I love & admire the Internet Archive. IA has an amazing collection of moving images, the one I love in particular is a Holmes (Burton) vocational film on becoming . . . a librarian, of course:
