Tuesday, January 22, 2008

digital journalism - spring 2008

this semester, i am teaching two classes, both held on tuesday and thursdays. the first class meets in the morning and is called digital journalism. here's the syllabus (and here it is as a word document).

Digital Journalism

Professor David Silver (dmsilver [at] usfca.edu)
Class Times: Tues, Thurs, 10:30am - 12:15pm | Education 319
Office Hours: Tues, Thurs, 2-3; and by appointment | UC 539

Course Description:
Journalism and the ways news and stories are made, distributed, received, and altered are changing rapidly and profoundly. Digital Journalism encourages students to trace, track, understand, and learn how to participate in these changes, especially those changes related to the web and other forms of digital media.

Learning Goals:
Students enrolled in Digital Journalism will:
1. Learn about the current and dramatic transformation that is happening in traditional journalism as well as other media-related industries;
2. Learn about web-based tools and technologies for gathering and assessing news and stories (like blogs, crowdsourcing, del.icio.us, digg, RSS, and wikis);
3. Learn about web-based tools and technologies for creating and distributing news and stories (like audio slideshows, blogs, flickr, online maps, podcasts, and digital video); and, most importantly,
4. Learn how to learn new tools quickly and independently.

Course Texts:
o Mark Briggs, Journalism 2.0: How to Survive and Thrive: A digital literacy guide for the information age. (Free! www.j-lab.org/Journalism_20.pdf)
o Dan Gillmor, portions of We the Media: Grassroots Journalism by the People, for the People. (Free! www.oreilly.com/catalog/wemedia/book)
o Mark Glaser and Jennifer Woodard Maderazo, portions of MediaShift blog (Free! www.pbs.org/mediashift/)
o A one-year Flickr pro account subscription, $24.95
o You are required to make, purchase, or barter for a bound, paper-based journal.

Projects 50%
Final Project 10%
Participation 20%
Collaboration 20%

Regular class attendance is expected and required. If you miss class for any reason, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed. This means first contacting fellow students and then, if they can't answer your questions, contacting me. Excessive absences will factor significantly into the class participation portion of your grade.

No late work accepted without a written doctor's letter.

If at any time during the first thirteen weeks of the semester you are concerned about your grade, make an appointment to see me.

You are encouraged to be as creative and collaborate as you can be.

Week 1:
Tuesday, January 22: Introductions: Who are we? What is this?
Due in class: Ourselves

Thursday, January 24:
Week 2:
Tuesday, January 29: Technology Tuesdays: RSS
Due in class:
Your new journal

Thursday, January 31:
Due in class:
RSS homework

Week 3:
Tuesday, February 5 (California’s Primaries!): Technology Tuesdays: Flickr
Flickr pro account

Thursday, February 7:
Due in class:
Project 1: Flickr campus project

Week 4:
Tuesday, February 12: Technology Tuesdays: Blogs
Thursday, February 14:
Due in class:
  • Project 2: Blog up-and-running project
Week 5:
Tuesday, February 19: Technology Tuesdays: digg and del.icio.us
Thursday, February 21:
Due in class:
Project 3: del.icio.us project

Week 6:
Tuesday, February 26: Technology Tuesdays: google maps
Thursday, February 28:
Due in class:
Project 4: google map project

Week 7:
Tuesday, March 4: Technology Tuesdays: audio slideshows
Audio slideshow

Thursday, March 6:
Due in class:
Project 5: audio slideshow

Week 8:
Tuesday, March 11:
Thursday, March 13:
Due in class:
Project 6: Global Women’s Rights Forum project

Tuesday, March 18: Spring Break!
Thursday, March 20: Spring Break!

Week 9:
Tuesday, March 25: Technology Tuesdays: podcasts
Thursday, March 27:
Due in class:
Project 7: podcast project

Week 10:
Tuesday, April 1: Technology Tuesdays: wikipedia
Thursday, April 3:
Due in class:
Project 8: Wikipedia project

Week 11:
Tuesday, April 8: Technology Tuesdays: digital video
  • Briggs, “Shooting Video for News and Feature Stories,” Journalism 2.0, pp. 89-99.
  • Briggs, “Basic Video Editing,” Journalism 2.0, pp. 100-114.
Thursday, April 10:
Week 12:
Tuesday, April 15:
Due in class:
Project 9: digital video project

Thursday, April: 17: No class

Week 13:
Tuesday, April 22: Technology Tuesdays: Politics 2.0
Thursday, April 24:
Due in class:
Project 10: Politics 2.0 project

Week 14:
Tuesday, April 29:
Thursday, May 1:
Week 15:
Tuesday, May 6:
Thursday, May 8:
Due in class:
Final Project


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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