Saturday, December 01, 2007

we got married

sarah and i got married last weekend in santa cruz. our families were there and it was beautiful.

jini, sarah's mom, designed and made the rings. at some point during the wedding ceremony, sarah and i were surrounded by a circle of family. the rings were passed around the circle and moms, dads, sisters, brothers, and nephews touched and held and examined and admired them. by the time the rings reached sarah and me, they were full of love.

november 24, 2007, santa cruz, california


  1. That's great! You two are beautiful together.

  2. Congratulations!!
    Mazel Tov!!

  3. Congrats again Professor Sliver that symbolic metaphor was truly amazing. Gives me an idea for what my future will be held. I most admired what you said at the end of class. After looking at my life I have to effect a lot of change in terms of our globalizing world that we are enduring at this moment in our lives. Thanks For Everything Nicholas

  4. David--What wonderful news... congratulations!

  5. Mazel tov, David. Many blessings, much love, and good health to you both.

  6. Yay! Congrats! I was just wondering how long it was going to take for that whole blog engagement thing to turn into a blog marriage.

    Really wonderful!

  7. Congratulations! Such wonderful news. And the event sounds very unique and like a great way to share your love with those you care about.

  8. Top-notch you two - congratulations to each of you and best wishes on the amazing stuff ahead - chris

  9. Woo hoo! Awesome news guys! Congrats!

  10. That was beautiful - well put. Congratulations, and all my very best!
