Thursday, December 13, 2007

to give and to get: a talk at the university of maastricht

as part of tomorrow's symposium honoring the work and contributions of university of maastricht librarian john gilbert, i am giving a talk called "to give and to get: libraries, web 2.0, and collective intelligence." today, i am giving a preconference talk for librarians who are unable to attend tomorrow's events. my hope is that the discussion during today's preconference talk will inform portions of tomorrow's conference talk.

i plan to begin by briefly discussing four kinds of literacy: literacy (reading, research, reflection), e-literacy (digital literacy), me-literacy (facebook), and we-literacy (web 2.0 with a quick tour through the gones).

next, i'll explain we-literacy in terms of collective intelligence. with help from wikipedia, yelp, and GarageBand, i'll argue that the best of web 2.0 is when users give and get in meaningful ways.

finally, i'll ask a question for all of us to answer: what happens when students give to the library? in supplying a few of my own answers, i'm sure i'll discuss "yes, i read comic books."


  1. during the talk and discussion, the idea of open library catalogs arose.

    for those interested, please see the university of pennsylvania's PennTags project (more about the project here).

    also, see the ann arbor public library's catalog (this catalog allows patron reviews).

  2. hi david,

    i liked your presentation very much. it was very entertaining but also to the point. your scetches of the literacy skills of students in the US showed me what to expect from future developments here in the neterlands. interesting to see however how you manage to use modern media to teach concepts of 'the past'.

    Hope you can elaborate a bit more tomorrow about the meaning of all this, especially for university libraries and how we can take advantage of your obeservations and practice in our own day-to-day business.

  3. Google Books is pretty amazing too.

    UW is using a beta version of WorldCat which also allows reviews.

    Also, have you read this article about tagging and libraries?

    This is revolutionary (and essential) for libraries to start allowing users to interact with organizing, reviewing and contributing content in new ways.

    I loved your examples, David.
