Monday, November 26, 2007


gone gallery


  1. aren't they?

    charting the GONES has suddenly turned into a full-time job.

  2. hi david--

    i don't know if you had dennis hastert listed as temporarily gone or not. He gave his resignation Monday night. I hope you don't mind me sending you GONERS.
    consider it a public service you're doing by keeping society informed of these almost daily transitions.

  3. yes! i blogged hastert as GONE back in august.

  4. I've always wondered about your GONE Series. What made you start it?

  5. ivan - it began back in april 2006, when tom delay, as corrupt a politician as they come, resigned amid all kinds of scandals. it felt to good, and so surprising, that finally - finally! - someone in the right wing was held accountable for what they had done and were doing. i decided, therefore, to mark the occasion with a blog post which turned into another blog post and another and another ...

    i am actually organizing a talk about the GONES in spring so i'll share more information as it develops!
