Thursday, October 11, 2007

students teaching students

my friend, colleague, and fellow blogger, michael robertson, works hard and creatively towards our department's minor in journalism. way back in 2005, michael set up the USF journalism blog, a site where past and present USF journalism students converge to converse about the field: the ups and downs, the perils and possibilities. this tuesday, the online conversation goes offline - and you are invited.

what: Do USF Graduates Have a Future in 21st Century Journalism? A Panel Discussion
who: speakers include former USF journalism students now working for the San Francisco Chronicle, KRON-TV, NBC-11, the San Francisco Examiner, and CNET
where: Maier Room, Fromm Hall, USF
when: Tuesday, October 16, 7:30 pm
why: because one of the best ways for students to learn about the current field of journalism is to listen, learn, and interact with practicing journalists.

pedagogically-speaking, i love this event and support any activity that encourages students (past or present) teaching students. professionally-speaking, i'm excited about this event and support any activity that provides students with realistic assessments of our current media landscape, not to mention networking opportunities to help navigate through such landscapes.

plus, michael promised there would be cookies.


  1. I have upped the ante. There will be finger sandwiches. Also, it looks as if we will get at least ten alumni, all of them burning with true truths from the workplace. The thing I would really like to happen is what David describes. I would like our current students to walk up to our former students and say: I need a *mentor.* I'm guessing most alumni would gladly say yes.

  2. finger sandwiches?!?

