Monday, October 22, 2007

just less

for the first time since i began grad school in 1994, i have at this moment zero emails in my inbox. no doubt it will fill. but in the moment, things feel light. and light is less and less is more.

returning from the aoir conference, i realize i am very lo-tech. i don't second life. i don't play computer games. i don't twitter. i don't even IM. i still don't have a cell phone. i don't text message. i barely facebook.

but to the rest of the world, maybe i'm hi-tech. i blahg! i RSS. i RCCS. i subscribe to a few academic listservs. and i still email.

just less.


  1. I was never so proud of you as I am right now.

  2. I only feel very low tech when I am at such events where everyone seems so hyper plugged in that it's actually a bit much! And twitter is really annoying anyway :)

  3. ooh, excellent point marianaria.

    i use and dig feevy.

    feevy is an example of being able to spend less time online. instead of hunting down my favorite blogs to see if they have new posts, the blogs come to me - in the form of the vertical column to the right.

  4. I think it is funny that your own blog is posted on your feevy. At first I always think, "that looks familiar" then realize why.

    Having my internet down at home the last few days has made me realize what a tech junkie I am. I am actually using my cell phone to check my email and bus schedules. At least the second one is useful...

  5. Not having a cell phone is SO much better than having one and realizing the only person who calls you is your mom.

  6. I confess: I don't blog.

    Speaking of ... let's talk soon about the blogging class collaboration ;)
