Monday, August 13, 2007


gone gallery


  1. i knew you would post a pix for this event too long in arriving. hopefully there will still be congressional appearances and other legal matters in his future. got here a little early so i watched you explain web 2.0. cheers. tony

  2. Quick Silver! My first thoughts were: (a) yay! (b) David'll move fast on this one. Just goes to show: patience really is a virtue. :-)

  3. When I heard this over an hour ago I knew David would already have it posted! I'm amazed that it really happened. Saddened that it took so long though.

  4. picking up on the whole g-o thang, edwards responds to rove's resignation with three words: "Goodbye, good riddance."

  5. I was quite pleaed with the news, until someone at work said that Rove was probably leaving so he could be free to work on Jeb Bush's campaign. Say it isn't so!

    I went to this site as soon as I heard the news -- good job on getting it up so fast!
