Saturday, August 25, 2007

big grants for big ideas

there's a recent surge in new media / social media grant opportunities and they are coming from many different directions. here's four.

ACLS digital innovation fellowships: third annual competition sponsored by the american council of learned societies. ACLS digital innovation fellowships "support digitally based research projects in all disciplines of the humanities and humanities-related social sciences. it is hoped that projects of successful applicants will help advance digital humanistic scholarship by broadening understanding of its nature and exemplifying the robust infrastructure necessary for creating further such works." the fellowships award time off from teaching and up to $55,000 for stipends and $25,00 for project costs. eligibility: US citizenship or permanent resident status; PhD or equivalent in all fields of the humanities and the humanistic social sciences. deadline: october 3, 2007.

digital humanities start-up grants: a big time set of grants co-sponsored by the national endowment for the humanities (NEH) and the institute of museum and library services (IMLS). the goal of the digital humanities start-up grants is "to encourage innovations in the digital humanities. by awarding relatively low-dollar grants during the planning stages, the goal is to identify projects that are particularly innovative and have the potential to make a positive impact on the humanities." level I grants range from $5,000 to $25,000; level II grants range from $25,000 to $50,000. eligibility: 1) US-based nonprofit organizations and institutions; 2) state and local governmental agencies and native american tribal organizations; and 3) US citizens and foreign nationals who have been living in the US for at least three years. deadline: october 16, 2007.

knight news challenge: a competition run by the john s. and james l. knight foundation. the goal of the knight news challenge is "to spur innovation in the delivery of information and news using digital media." does your idea use digital media? is it new and original? does it involve giving people access to news/information? is your idea timely? does your idea create a community and does it affect people in a specific geographic area? is it open source? if you said "yes!" to each question, you should apply. they are giving away $5 million this year and plan to drop $25 million over five years period. eligibility: anyone. deadline: october 15, 2007.

macarthur foundation's innovation awards and knowledge-networking awards: a public competition sponsored by the foundation's digital media and learning initiative and administered by the humanities, arts, science and technology advanced collaboratory (HASTAC). innovation awards "support learning pioneers, entrepreneurs, and builders of new digital learning environments for formal and informal learning." knowledge-networking awards "support communicators in connecting, mobilizing, circulating or translating new ideas around digital media and learning." innovation awards are $100,000 and $250,000; knowledge-networking awards range between $30,000 and $75,000. eligibility: the primary applicant must be at least 21 and be a US citizen or resident with a work permit for the duration of the grant term. also eligible: nonprofit organizations, educational institutions, and corporations. deadline: october 15, 2007.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for pulling this list together. It is very helpful.
