Monday, July 02, 2007

tenure track job in media studies at usf

Media and Society

Deadline: October 1, 2007

The Media Studies Department at the University of San Francisco invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level, anticipated to begin Fall 2008.

Responsibilities include teaching two undergraduate courses per semester, plus one additional course over two years (2-2-2-3 over two years), and an active program of research and service. The successful candidate will be qualified to teach at least two of our introductory and core courses (Introduction to Media Studies, Media Institutions, Media Audiences, Media Stereotyping and Violence, and Communication Law and Policy) as well as courses related to the candidate's specialty. Expertise and interest in teaching basic digital communication practice will be a plus as will an emphasis on race/ethnicity and international/global issues.

The Department is seeking an individual who is able to work with diverse students and colleagues. Ph. D., or equivalent advanced degree in a related field, plus a record of teaching, professional experience and research, or other relevant creative activity, are required.

Applicants should submit, by October 1, 2007, a letter of application, curriculum vitae, graduate transcripts, brief description of research plans, evidence of teaching ability (including sample syllabi, student evaluations, and a statement of teaching philosophy) and three letters of recommendation to:

Dr. David Silver
Media Studies Search Committee
Media Studies Department
University Center 538
University of San Francisco
2130 Fulton Street
San Francisco, CA 94117-1080

We encourage minority and women candidates to apply. USF is an Equal Opportunity Employer dedicated to affirmative action and to excellence through diversity. The University provides reasonable accommodations to qualified applicants with disabilities upon request.

The University of San Francisco is a Jesuit Catholic university founded in 1855 to educate leaders who will fashion a more humane and just world. Candidates should demonstrate a commitment to work in a culturally diverse environment and to contribute to the mission of the University.


  1. Hi David,

    Thanks for dropping to my blog. I guess I will be blogging and getting some picture from the meet up session.

    Usually, one of the speakers, Kevin Lim, he will live stream directly through his weblog (

    I have email him about this. Let's wait for his reply. Anyway, good to know you and I glad you come across to my research blog.

  2. We are a friendly department. Here I am reading Brother Silver's blog!!

  3. Interesting to do a professional job ad via the blog. I'd be curious as to whether that produces any candidates that you wouldn't have gotten through other means.

  4. Hey, David. I'm friends with Mara Hobler in grad school here at Univ of Oregon, and we were just talking about this job and you at her going away party last night (she's leaving to get her PhD at Maryland). It seemed serendipitous as I'd just been on the USF media studies site that day after seeing your job posting come across the cultural studies listserv. Mara speaks very highly of you, so that speaks well of your department.

    I was just in SF for ICA and loved it. Mara and I ate at several excellent veg restaurants there (like Millennium, where I unknowingly invited myself along on her and Brendan's anniversary dinner, paid for by her grandmother). Perhaps she'll still put in a good word for me if you ask her regarding the job, as I'm excited to apply. I appreciate USF's focus on critical studies and social change, as that is what I research (with a focus on animal and environmental rights). If you have any tips for my application, please pass them along. Cheers!
    - Carrie Freeman

  5. hey lanny. yeah, i'm curious, too. in the last few days, i have received a few emails from scholars who first learned about it via my blog, so something seems to be working.

    i also hope the blog will serve as less of an announcement platform for the job and more as a conversation platform about the job.

  6. hello carrie!

    mara was one of my very first students at the university of washington and it's been so exciting to watch her grow intellectually and make her way through grad school.

    thanks for the tip about Millennium - i've never been there but will make it a point to test their offerings! as you noticed, this city - and the whole bay area - takes their (organic, regional, seasonal) food seriously.

    regarding the job - first, thanks for posting your question publicly to the blog. i hope to field as many questions as possible via the blog.

    second, you are correct to note USF's (and the media studies department's) focus on critical studies and social change. USF is the first university i've been involved with that takes its social justice mission extremely seriously. i would suggest reading carefully USF's vision, mission, values statement since it reflects the mission and the direction of the university. if you have follow up questions regarding this, please ask.

    third, much of what we do in the department is to encourage our students to fuse theory and practice - we teach our students media analysis and media production. if you look at our curriculum you will see that it is a blending of courses on theory, method, and analysis and courses on production (including journalism, audio, video, film, tv, and new media).

    i hope this helps carrie. i also hope you - and anyone else - will post additional questions and queries (about the job, the department, the university, and/or the city) if you have them.

  7. Hello, I'm entering the Ph.D. program in Communication Studies at the University of Minnesota where we are building a more robust media studies wing. I'm trying to help our grad students figure out what types of qualifications media studies departments are looking for tenure track candidates. I'm wondering if you could expand on what you mean by "basic digital communication practice"? Does this mean digital video production, website programming, something else?

  8. As an older Media Studies faculty member -- degrees in English; professional experience in magazine and newspaper journalism -- let me just say that when I start talking about "basic digital communication practice," I am eager to hear (from job candidates; from people I meet on the street) just what they think that phrase should encompass. I hear many prophetic utterances of what multimedia skills *at minimum* a young print journalist should possess. It seems to be a moving target. My gloss on our job description would be: no straitjackets, please.

  9. hello chris.

    at the expense of echoing michael, we are an interdisciplinary department where basic digital communication practice means different things to different people. we seek job candidates who know how to get students excited about digital communication and who can bring something to the department that does not yet exist.

  10. This is an intriguing idea. Will you make the entire search available on the blog?

    In thinking about social change and jobs, I worked on a documentary -- never finished -- that looked at the job interview process.

    Also, I wish you had posted this before I finished my article on blogademia (Reconstruction journal) or my series of blog reports -- if all your posters and you agree, then maybe I'll write an article about the process of an open job search for a job on digital media and social change.

    Will post anonymously for convenience ... but signing off as Craig Saper.

  11. hello craig,

    no, we are not making the entire search available on the blog. it's a job search, not a reality show.

    so far, we have been using the blog to try to reach as many applicants in as many countries and settings as possible. we are also using the blog to answer any questions that prospective job applicants may have.

  12. Hi David,

    Any news on this search? I know several of us are eagerly awaiting any news. Thank you.
