Wednesday, June 27, 2007

grannies rage against the war

yesterday in capitola (near santa cruz, california) there was a standoff over military recruitment. at issue was military recruitment of at-risk youth. the peaceful demonstration was organized by the raging grannies of the women's international league for peace and freedom (or WILPF, to which my mom belongs). both the police and the protestors were recording.

ten people, including an 81 year old woman with a walker, were arrested. one arrested granny, phyllis greenleaf, 64, told the santa cruz sentinel, "there's been enough bloodshed, and we are outraged."

the demonstration got fair coverage by the santa cruz sentinel (which, unfortunately and predictably, has gotten emptier and emptier since its recent media consolidation phase). allowing readers to post comments is, however, certainly a step in the right direction for citizen media and the comment thread, like american democracy, ranges from interesting to insipid.

but the good stuff comes, once again, from santa cruz indymedia. citizen coverage and convergence from ~bradley, miss l. ainie ous, katya komisaruk, and jean provides a fuller and more visual depiction of what went down. plus, miss l. ainie ous was able to photograph the navy's It's Up To U oversized check.

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