Thursday, June 21, 2007

free and public presentation in san francisco

what? a public presentation and discussion
when? this wednesday, june 27, 6 - 7:30 pm
where? san francisco main public library
cost? free.

The Power of Web 2.0, Collective Intelligence, and Online Communities

What is Web 2.0? What implications do innovative ideas like collective intelligence, crowdsourcing and online communities hold for the Internet and beyond? Professor David Silver from the Media Studies Department at the University of San Francisco will explore this pervasive phenomenon that has flooded the virtual information landscape in recent years through social networking resources such as Wikipedia, YouTube, Facebook and Flickr.


  1. Sounds nifty, wish I was in the area. Any chance there will be a pod-cast?

  2. ooh, good question. i'll find out asap.

  3. I'll probably be there. Looks great!

  4. amber - i hope to see you there.

    librarian - unfortunately, the talk won't be podcasted. but maybe in the future we can work something out.

  5. I was at the presentation, and just want to follow up with David on what I said afterwards re: the mention in the presentation that the wired generation is narcissistic.

    First, it was also mentioned that many people of all ages spend huge amounts of time (up to 16 hrs/day)online, leading to concerns about a nation of recluses.

    I myself find entertaining the idea of a nation of narcissistic recluses ....

    As a Boomer (year one,) I don't think the wired generation is any more narcissistic than any other. Christopher Lasch , in Culture of Narcissism: American Life in an Age of Diminishing Expectation (1978 or so), castigated American society for narcissism long before anyone was wired on anything except coffee or illegal substances.

    It seems to me that the concerns about narcissism in the wired generation are actually concerns about inappropriate presentation, particularly on facebook, etc., or just plain personal websites/blogs. Inappropriatness is in the eye of the beholder, but can include too little clothing, too much sex/drinking/drugging in either text or illustration, too much personal (i.e., identifying) information, and who knows what else.

    To think of all of that under narcissism seems incorrect -- under dumb, yes. Dull, yes, in many cases. Unintentionally funny -- in many cases. But let's not say narcissistic.

    Maybe some of the concern is because the posters of those types of sites are now doing in written/illustrated form what was formerly done primarily orally. People who formerly had to tout themselves verbally can now do it online (and, still, verbally, I guess, with the right sound attachments.)

    I also think that the celebrity culture we are all marinating in (I'm disgusted that I even know who Paris Hilton is)allows self-promotion to appear as almost a career path in and of itself.

  6. Thanks David, this was a great evening.

    I had suspected "Web 2.0" was, in part - and perhaps a large part - simply a marketing ploy for O'Relly Media to sell us more books about something we've been doing for quite a while. You gave us a clear idea of what web 2.0 is, a little of what it may become and how we can use it. The web - the folks who use it - do seem to be evolving into a much more interactive community. It was a very good discussion (web 2.0 in person!).

    As a solo librarian is was heartwarming to see so many librarians there, and librarians from a wide range of ages and experience. It's always good to know one is not alone in this.

    Oh, and thanks to the SFPL for hosting.

    Thanks again -

  7. Hey David, is this talk archived in any shape or form??? Would love to hear it or read it. How can I get a hold of it? Let me know. contact: bbakioglatgmaildotcom. Tnx.
