Wednesday, May 09, 2007

usf bloggers

usf bloggers is an aggregation of blogs related to the university of san francisco. it brings together on one page blogs from USF students, classes, organizations, staff, librarians, and faculty. usf bloggers was developed by las indias, designed by fernando martín díaz, and built with feevy.

i love fernando's design. it is elegant and simple, and uses USF's colors: green and gold. the loopy things next to the names of each blog remind me of butterflies.

the best part is that usf bloggers takes a hierarchical institution (a university) and remixes its ingrediants (students, staff, faculty) onto a non-hierarchical space. it defies putting people into categories.

at launch, USF bloggers includes seventeen blogs. i am sure it will grow in the summer. next fall, when USF welcomes new freshmen, transfer students, and international students (some who blog), it will grow in new directions.


  1. Hi David! Congratulations! It's very nice!



  2. hello lorena!

    this morning i showed usf bloggers to students in my class and they seemed pretty excited about it. it will be interesting to watch it grow.

  3. Hi David!
    I'm very proud of this work! It was great working with you!

  4. Awesome! That's like what we were talking about at the end of last semester. Very cool.

  5. Maybe this will be a new way to compile and publish a School Yearbook, if they've not done so already. :)
