Friday, May 18, 2007

congratulations class of 2007!

i love graduations. the students are excited and enjoy a very real sense of accomplishment. the parents are proud, thrilled, and relieved. the younger siblings are in awe - and often in double awe to see their sister or brother become the family's first college graduate. the grandparents are busy soaking everything in and can't stop smiling. i love graduations.

from our side of the stage, things are pretty chill. all of us are excited to see students - some more than others - graduate and it's particularly great when you have worked with them over multiple years. simultaneously, we are well aware that upon submitting our grades, we enter summer. summer is our re time: reading, re-learning, re-thinking, remixing, replaying, relaxing, rejuvenating. most of us love teaching. but we, like our students, also love summer.

class of 2007 - congratulations! may your adventures and experiences become even more massive, even more meaningful. remember tommie lindsey, the commencement speaker, and be as kind and giving as possible. good luck and congratulations.


  1. Don't forget re-flecting, David! And yes, summer is wonderful even
    when one is re-tired. Lots of my volunteer activities also take a hiatus and I can deal with the family of seven skunks that has moved into my backyard under the deck.

  2. I love graduations, too! My sister just graduated from Gonzaga Law School and I think that the graduation and party after was one of the happiest times our friends and family have had in a long time. It was great to get together to celebrate such a truly wonderful accomplisment.

    (She graduated 5th in her class and already has a great Judicial Clerkship lined up! You can't tell I am proud of her, can you?)

  3. i was hoping to introduce you and professor barker plummer to my parents at the after graduation thingie, but dad got hungry and wanted korean bbq. :(

    anyway, thank you. for being an awesome teacher.

    a few of your other students and i totally agree: your enthusiasm for media inspires us.

    keep kicking butt!
    and hopefully i'll run into you in the future. :D
