Monday, April 16, 2007

digital journalism - final project

Digital Journalism
Final Project

All of you have been contributing to our group blog - usfblogtastic. You have learned to blog words and pics, to tag strategically, and to comment on other posts. Most importantly, you have learned how to write publicly. All of you have got your blog on.

Your final project for Digital Journalism is to start your own blog. From today until May 9, use your own blog to practice what you’ve learned this semester in Digital Journalism. To get full credit for this project, you must do - and do well - the following:
  • Set up your own blog. You may use blogger, wordpress, or any blogging platform you desire. Be ready to explain and defend your decisions in class.

  • Configure your blog. Think of a good name, test different designs, and configure comment moderation. Make your blog look cool.

  • Design a user profile. Be ready to explain and defend your decisions in class.

  • Install a flickr badge on your blog.

  • Install a feevy on your blog. Your feevy should include at least ten blogs. The included blogs should be relevant to this course or to your life.

  • Install at least one additional widget to your blog. Much respect for experimenting with a widget not yet mentioned in class.

  • Set up, use, and understand some kind of stat / visitor counter for your blog.

  • Write a blog post about a student organization at USF. (This assignment, and the next three that follow, requires good quotes from good sources, at least two photographs, and relevant hyperlinks and tags.)

  • Write a blog post about a person, place, or event in Golden Gate Park.

  • Write a blog post about a person, place, or event in San Francisco.

  • Write a blog post about a person, place, or event in the Bay Area (excluding SF).

  • In addition to these required tasks, you are free to use your blog in any way appropriate to Digital Journalism. Read something that got you thinking? Blog it. Attend an interesting event? Blog it.

  • Important: You are required to have something new from your blog to share each class period from now to May 9. Good luck.


  1. Really it is called a beauty blog I keep on reading blogs in my redundancy time if you like to read blogs so it is a great place I want to another site which name is nursing thesis topics service here I can know about your education
