Thursday, March 22, 2007

wanna be presidents - a new feevy blog aggregator

[crossposted from the feevy blog ...]

wanna be presidents is an aggregator of blogs for US 2008 presidential hopefuls. built with feevy, wanna be presidents aggregates all presidential bloggers (currently 16 by our count) into three categories: republicans, democrats, and independents. wanna be presidents is an easy and effective way to view different campaigns on the same page.

because feevy is built upon RSS, wanna be presidents relies on candidates’ RSS feeds. in building the site, david de ugarte and i were quite surprised to discover that many republican presidential candidates, including john mccain, duncan hunter, and tom tancredo, have not integrated RSS into their web presences. which begs the question - who is advising these guys?

we welcome your feedback on wanna be presidents and look forward to adding more candidates as they join the race.


  1. ryan - you knows it.

    hey, the url of your post go cut off, so i'm reposting it here:

    ryan turner, "Feevy: Aggregating Distributed Conversations."

  2. lovin it. the title is great too!
