Thursday, March 01, 2007

new reviews in cyberculture studies (march 2007)

[via RCCS] a new set of book reviews for march 2007:

1. Connecting: How We Form Social Bonds and Communities in the Internet Age
Author: Mary Chayko
Publisher: State University of New York Press, 2002
Review 1: Chrys Egan
Author Response: Mary Chayko

2. New Technologies at Work: People, Screens and Social Virtuality
Editors: Christina Garsten & Helena Wulff
Publisher: Berg Publishers, 2003
Review 1: Petra Sonderegger

3. Saved from Oblivion: Documenting the Daily from Diaries to Web Cams
Author: Andreas Kitzmann
Publisher: Peter Lang, 2004
Review 1: Timothy D. Ray
Author Response: Andreas Kitzmann

4. The Wired Homestead: A Sourcebook on the Internet and the Family
Editors: Joseph Turow & Andrea Kavanaugh
Publisher: MIT Press, 2003
Review 1: Carolyn Jabs

5. Towards a Sustainable Information Society: Deconstructing WSIS
Editors: Jan Servaes & Nico Carpentier
Publisher: Intellect Books, 2006
Review 1: Arthur L. Morin
Author Response: Nico Carpentier

6. Virtual Morality: Morals, Ethics and New Media
Editor: Mark J. P. Wolf
Publisher: Peter Lang Publishing, 2003
Review 1: Steven A. Benko
Author Response: Mark J. P. Wolf


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