Friday, March 09, 2007

ira glass on storytelling

ira glass on having good taste, overcoming the gap between your own good taste and your own not so good output, and doing lots and lots of work. five minutes and nineteen seconds of smart advice. [crossposted from usfblogtastic]


  1. I really liked this video. I feel like sometimes we make the assumption that great work will just pop up magically overnight, or that it should. That can be so discouraging when working on a project. I like that he points out that it takes some time, it is okay if it takes time, and it will take time. I also admire that he used himself as an example, showing us some of his bad work. Many people don't like to admit that they can or do produce bad things, before it gets good. Thanks for sharing the video!

  2. brianna - i had nearly the exact reaction to the video as you. i also liked how he used his own sub-par work as an example. what i really like about this video is that it seems to speak to anyone, to any audience - what he's talking about has applications all over the place. good stuff indeed.

  3. Thanks for this David. My take-away from this video: "We'll suck at what we do, probably for a long time. But that's no excuse to not try, and try again. There's no short-cut getting from here to good."
