Wednesday, March 28, 2007

aeiou @ acrl

starting tomorrow, i'll be in baltimore, maryland for the association of college and research libraries conference. this is the national conference for academic librarians, which includes community college, college, university, museum, and research librarians. on friday, i am giving an invited talk about what i like to call already existing information optimally uploaded, or aeiou. if you're in the area, please swing by.

in the meantime, if you are curious about how to make a scarecrow wedding, here is the answer! (thanks george)


  1. This looks awesome, David! Good luck - and I wish I see you speak about the aeiou. I'm curious if you've had a chance to watch the recent Frontline, "News Wwar", where the report specifically addresses blogs and the question of whether they actually create "new" news or simply regurgitate/reprocess already existing information.

  2. awesome word and a great idea. it is fun to pronounce aieou.

  3. The feedback! Argh!

  4. Thanks for the wonderful presentation at ACRL today. You made me think about ways blogs could be used with students.

  5. greg - thanks! let's talk when i return.

    laurie - thanks for attending the talk. i'll add some kind of wrap-up post sometime this weekend. i hope you have been enjoying this year's ACRL as much as i have.
